[PyKDE] sipqtQDateTimeEdit

Heberto del Rio heberto at speakeasy.net
Fri Apr 4 04:02:01 BST 2003

I've tryed to compile the PyQt-x11-gpl-3.5.tar.gz file but I had only one 
in the sipqtQDateTimeEdit.cpp file there is a method:

void sipQDateTimeEdit::sipProtect_layoutEditors()

unfortunately in Qt 3.1.1 the class QDateTimeEdit does not contain such 
method, so when it reaches this point the compilation ends with an error.

I found out that such method exist in QDateTimeEdit but for the qtcsharp.

So what I decided to do is to comment out the line


doing this the compilation runs perfectly and it seems that everything 
works. Is there a way to fix this problem? What kind of problems may I get?


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