[PyKDE] sip-4 vs sip-3

Gerard Vermeulen gvermeul at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Mon Dec 1 08:35:01 GMT 2003


In developing PyQwt, I use two tricks to minimize the build time after
fixing bugs or adding new methods:
(1) 'smart' copying of sip's output from a buffer directory to the source
    directory (only copy when two sip output files differ below the time stamp
    comment at the top).
(2) use of ccache

In this respect sip-4 is a step back compared to sip-3.  With sip-4, Addition of
a single method to a single sip file leads always to a complete rebuild of PyQwt.
In addition, ccache is far less efficient with sip-4 than with sip-3.

One of the reasons (I hope the only one) is the fact that sip-4 is generating
names as sipNm__qwt_5151 instead of the old symbolic sipName_QwtWheel.
Presumably adding a new method, propagates different sipNames into all the
sip-generated *.{cpp,h} files.

Could it be possible to go back to the symbolic names, or use names
like sipNm_ModuleName_ClassNumber_AttributeNumber to minimize changes
in the generated source code? 


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