[PyKDE] Next attempt to tackle QSpinBox strangeness

Hans-Peter Jansen hpj at urpla.net
Fri Jan 24 14:45:01 GMT 2003

On Thursday 23 January 2003 19:46, me wrote:

> Problem: reimplemented QSpinBox don't get focus events and doesn't behave
> correctly on up/down cursor key events (value doesn't change).

Also, manually editing the QSpinBox value doesn't generate a valueChanged
signal, nor does it revert invalid values.

> Therefore, I'm going to translate this app to c++ in order
> to check this behaviour of Qt directly soon.

Done, attached. Looks like the c++ version doesn't generate focus events,
either, but behaves correctly on cursor keys and manual editing. Consequently 
both actions generate a valueChanged signal, unlike the py version.

> Interesting side note: I needed to prepare the event() handlers not to
> call the base class in order to avoid an attribute error during
> qApp.quit(). Phil, it appears, that the QSpinBox base class disappears
> while subclassed SpinBox event() handler is active. This doesn't look right
> to me.

While making both versions functional identical, I've rewritten the event
decoder qEvent(), but couldn't believe my eyes: during qApp.quit() the
value of the global defined qEventDict{} in the .py script is replaced
with a None value somewhere under the covers! Please remove the try/except 
statement in qEvent, uncomment the print statement and look yourself:

close app
PushButton event: <type 'NoneType'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sbtest.py", line 121, in event
    print "PushButton event:", qEvent(t)
  File "sbtest.py", line 79, in qEvent
    if t in qEventDict.keys():
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
SpinBox event: <type 'NoneType'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sbtest.py", line 96, in event
    print "SpinBox event:", qEvent(t)
  File "sbtest.py", line 79, in qEvent
    if t in qEventDict.keys():

Something is definitely going wrong here.

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