[PyKDE] Python based GIS application

Ramsey, Ken Mr EOIR ken.ramsey at nvl.army.mil
Thu Mar 20 17:18:00 GMT 2003

Check out OpenEV (http://openev.sourceforge.net/) if you haven't already. It
uses gtk+, and it incorporates GDAL, PROJ.4 and shapelib all with python
bindings. It's a successful application.

I see no reason why you can't do similar kind of work with PyQt instead of
gtk+. In fact, I believe PyQt would be better since it's python binding is
much better than gtk+. 

Ken Ramsey
eoir technologies
(703) 704 - 3459
kramsey at nvl.army.mil 

-----Original Message-----
From: Eron Lloyd [mailto:elloyd at lancaster.lib.pa.us]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 10:55 AM
To: 'pykde at mats.gmd.de'
Subject: [PyKDE] Python based GIS application

Hello all,

I've been looking into working on a desktop GIS application, and not being 
quite brave enough to learn C++, was pondering using PyQt instead. Do you 
think this would be feasible enough, due to the enourmous graphical 
processing demands necessary for geospatial imaging? Also, what is the 
general consensus on providing some kind of functionality in a PyQt 
application similar to Qt Script?



Eron Lloyd
Technology Coordinator
Lancaster County Library
elloyd at lancaster.lib.pa.us
Phone: 717-239-2116
Fax: 717-394-3083

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