[PyKDE] ListView weirdness

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at gerrietts.net
Thu May 15 00:27:01 BST 2003

Not to be rude or presumptuous, but I've gotten a couple replies
already stating that setSelected will emit a selectionChanged signal.

I do know this, and expect that behavior. The code I'm discussing
exhibits four signals for every (single) pass through the use case.
This results in two displays of the warning message (first and third
signals), and two immediate returns (second and fourth).

Is this an aberration of my environment, can nobody reproduce that
with the code I included?

Geoff Gerrietts          "information 'wants' to be free in the same way nature
<geoff at gerrietts.net>         'abhors' a vacuum: it's not some moral view, it's
http://www.gerrietts.net/            just the natural state of affairs." -- jwz

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