[PyKDE] ViM sip syntax file

Jonathan Gardner jgardner at jonathangardner.net
Thu May 29 00:48:01 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

I wrote a syntax file for ViM that include python sections, make sections, 
and highlights the sip function calls. If you use ViM, and you want to use 
the syntax file, just drop it in ~/.vim/syntax/sip.vim or 

You'll need to add a line to the filetype.vim file to identify *.sip as a 
sip file.

- -- 
Jonathan Gardner
jgardner at jonathangardner.net
(was jgardn at alumni.washington.edu)
Live Free, Use Linux!
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)

-------------- next part --------------
" Vim syntax file
" Language:     sip
" Maintainer:   Jonathan Gardner <jgardner at jonathangardner.net>
" URL:          http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk
" Remark:       
if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

runtime! syntax/cpp.vim
syn include @Python syntax/python.vim
syn include @Make syntax/make.vim

syn match sipKeyword "^%Module"
syn match sipKeyword "^%End$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%Copying$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%\(Exported\)\=HeaderCode$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%\(Member\|C++\)Code$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%\(Pre\)\=PythonCode$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%\(Exported\)\=Doc$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%Include"
syn match sipKeyword "^%Import"
syn match sipKeyword "^%If"
syn match sipKeyword "^%Version"
syn match sipKeyword "^%PrimaryVersions"
syn match sipKeyword "^%VersionCode$"
syn match sipKeyword "^%ExposeFunction$"

syn keyword sipKeyword Version PyMethods PyNumberMethods PySequenceMethods
syn keyword SipKeyword PyMappingMethods
syn keyword SipKeyword __abs__ __add__ __and__ __call__ __cmp__
syn keyword SipKeyword __coerce__ __contains__ __div__ __divmod__
syn keyword SipKeyword __float__ __getitem__ __getslice__ __hash__
syn keyword SipKeyword __hex__ __iadd__ __iand__ __idiv__ __ilshift__
syn keyword SipKeyword __imod__ __imul__ __int__ __invert__ __ior__
syn keyword SipKeyword __ipow__ __irshift__ __isub__ __ixor__ __len__
syn keyword SipKeyword __long__ __lshift__ __mod__ __mul__ __neg__
syn keyword SipKeyword __nonzero__ __oct__ __or__ __pos__ __pow__
syn keyword SipKeyword __repr__ __richcompare__ __rshift__ __setitem__
syn keyword SipKeyword __setslice__ __str__ __sub__ __xor__

syn match sipSpecial "\$[$CSOcomP]"

syn keyword sipConstant sipAcquireLock sipArgs sipArgsParsed sipBadSetType
syn keyword sipConstant sipBadVirtualResultType sipCallHook sipCheckNone
syn keyword sipConstant sipCondAcquireLock sipCondReleaseLock sipConnectRx
syn keyword sipConstant sipConvertFromBool sipConvertFromVoidPtr sipConvertRx
syn keyword sipConstant sipConvertToCpp sipConvertToVoidPtr sipDisconnectRx
syn keyword sipConstant sipEmitSignal sipEvalMethod sipFree sipGetComplexCppPtr
syn keyword sipConstant sipGetCppPtr sipGetRx sipGetThisWrapper
syn keyword sipConstant sipIsSubClassInstance sipMalloc sipMapCppToSelf
syn keyword sipConstant sipParseArgs sipReleaseLock

syn region sipCode start="^%\(Member\|C++\|Virtual\|Variable\)Code$" end=+^%End$+ contains=TOP fold keepend transparent
syn region sipPythonCode start="^%\(Pre\)\=PythonCode$" end=+^%End$+ contains=@Python,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipPythonCode start="^%Makefile$" end=+^%End$+ contains=@Make,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipHeaderCode start=+^%\(Exported\)\=HeaderCode$+ end=+^%End$+ contains=cInclude,sipKeyword,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipCopying start=+^%Copying$+ end=+^%End$+ contains=sipKeyword,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipDoc start=+^%\(Exported\)\=Doc$+ end=+^%End$+ contains=sipKeyword,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipIf start=+^%If+ end=+^%End$+ contains=sipKeyword,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent
syn region sipVersionCode start=+^%VersionCode$+ end=+^%End$+ contains=sipKeyword,sipSpecial fold keepend transparent

if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sip_syntax_inits")
  if version < 508
    let did_sip_syntax_inits = 1
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

  HiLink sipSpecial Special
  HiLink sipKeyword Keyword
  HiLink sipConstant  Constant
  delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "sip"

" vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=0 et

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