[PyKDE] SIP 4.0pre3

Oliver Kohlbacher oliver at bioinf.uni-sb.de
Sun Nov 2 12:54:00 GMT 2003

Dear Phil,

I finally had the time to look at SIP 4.0 and it really
looks great to me.
Nevertheless, I managed to track down a few tiny bugs you might
want to fix:
   - in the exception code (OK, I'm to blame for that) there
     might occur core dumps due to an incorrect format string

   - The error message printed for operators SIP does not wrap
     automatically still talks about "%MemberCode", whereas the new
     version should rather require "%MethodCode"

   - When wrapping operator () (i.e., __call__) SIP currently insists on
     exactly one argument. This prevents the user from wrapping
     something like Matrix::operator () (int row, int col). There
     is a trivial fix with two lines of code attached.

   - Is there a reason to have __neg__ and __cmp__ not wrapped
     automatically? I tried it for my code (by replacing FALSE by TRUE
     in the slot_table) and it seems to work fine.

Attached are the context diffs against 4.0pre3 resolving these issues.

Hope this helps,

Oliver Kohlbacher (oliver.kohlbacher at uni-tuebingen.de)
Professor for Simulation of Biological Systems,
Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science, University of Tübingen
Room C317, Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
phone: +49-7071-29-70457 fax: +49-7071-29-5152
-------------- next part --------------
*** sip-x11-gpl-4.0pre3/sipgen/gencode.c	2003-10-28 12:08:49.000000000 +0100
--- sip-x11-gpl-4.0pre3-patched/sipgen/gencode.c	2003-11-01 00:23:51.000000000 +0100
*** 5572,5578 ****
  			if (a > 0)
! 			prcode(fp,"%S",ta -> args[a]);
--- 5572,5578 ----
  			if (a > 0)
! 			prcode(fp,"%P",ta -> args[a]);
*** 6549,6555 ****
  	prcode(fp,"((*sipCpp) %s %sa0)",op,(deref ? "*" : ""));
   * Generate the argument variables for a member function/constructor.
--- 6549,6554 ----
-------------- next part --------------
*** sip-x11-gpl-4.0pre3/sipgen/parser.y	2003-10-28 12:08:49.000000000 +0100
--- sip-x11-gpl-4.0pre3-patched/sipgen/parser.y	2003-11-01 00:33:14.000000000 +0100
*** 2609,2615 ****
  		{"__ilshift__", ilshift_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__irshift__", irshift_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__invert__", invert_slot, FALSE, 0},
! 		{"__call__", call_slot, TRUE, 2},
  		{"__getitem__", getitem_slot, TRUE, 1},
  		{"__setitem__", setitem_slot, TRUE, 2},
  		{"__delitem__", delitem_slot, TRUE, 1},
--- 2609,2615 ----
  		{"__ilshift__", ilshift_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__irshift__", irshift_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__invert__", invert_slot, FALSE, 0},
! 		{"__call__", call_slot, TRUE, -1},
  		{"__getitem__", getitem_slot, TRUE, 1},
  		{"__setitem__", setitem_slot, TRUE, 2},
  		{"__delitem__", delitem_slot, TRUE, 1},
*** 2619,2627 ****
  		{"__ne__", ne_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__gt__", gt_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__ge__", ge_slot, FALSE, 1},
! 		{"__cmp__", cmp_slot, TRUE, 1},
  		{"__nonzero__", nonzero_slot, TRUE, 0},
! 		{"__neg__", neg_slot, TRUE, 0},
  		{"__repr__", repr_slot, TRUE, 0},
--- 2619,2627 ----
  		{"__ne__", ne_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__gt__", gt_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__ge__", ge_slot, FALSE, 1},
! 		{"__cmp__", cmp_slot, FALSE, 1},
  		{"__nonzero__", nonzero_slot, TRUE, 0},
! 		{"__neg__", neg_slot, FALSE, 0},
  		{"__repr__", repr_slot, TRUE, 0},
*** 2641,2649 ****
  				yyerror("Python slots must be class methods");
  			if (sm -> needs_hwcode && !hwcode)
! 				yyerror("This Python slot requires %MemberCode");
! 			if (sm -> nrargs != nrargs)
  				yyerror("Incorrect number of arguments to Python slot");
  			st = sm -> type;
--- 2641,2649 ----
  				yyerror("Python slots must be class methods");
  			if (sm -> needs_hwcode && !hwcode)
! 				yyerror("This Python slot requires %MethodCode");
! 			if ((sm -> nrargs != nrargs) && (sm -> nrargs != -1))
  				yyerror("Incorrect number of arguments to Python slot");
  			st = sm -> type;

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