[PyKDE] ConvertToSubClassCode
Gerard Vermeulen
gvermeul at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Tue Nov 18 08:35:01 GMT 2003
My difficulties to translate this C++ idiom to Python:
bool Plot::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Resize )
const QSize &size = ((QResizeEvent *)e)->size();
if ( object == (QObject *)axis(yLeft) ) // HOW TO THIS IN PYTHON?
// ...
return QwtPlot::eventFilter(object, e);
were due to the fact that I did not implement ConvertToSubClassCode for
the Qwt widgets. Therefore, the 'is' operator did not work as expected.
Since Qwt is more of a bunch of widgets than a neat hierarchy like PyKDE,
the most natural choice is to convert down from a QObject to a specific
As far as I understand, the sipc module knows how to handle more than
one "static PyObject *sipSubClass_QObject(const QObject *sipCpp)" (as
long as they are implemented in different modules), but sip does not
support it.
I sneaked my way out (for sip-3.8) by coding:
// Hack: more than 1 sipSubClass_QObject() is not supported by sip.
// So we do it, with a little bit of help from pyqwt_sip_output_patch.py
static PyObject *sipSubClass_QObject(const QObject *sipCpp)
// The table of Python class objects indexed by their names.
// The table must be sorted by name.
return sipMapStringToClass(
sipCpp->className(), map, sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]));
And patching sip's output like this:
static PyObject *registerClasses(PyObject *,PyObject *)
if (sipRegisterClasses(&sipModule,-1) < 0)
return NULL;
// pyqwt_sip_output_patch.py
sipRegisterSubClassConvertor(sipClass_QObject,(PyObject *(*)(const void*
/* Register the module's sub-class convertors. */
Question: wouldn't it be possible to implement a
%ConvertToSubClassCodeFrom FromObject
directive to handle the cases that extensionmodules want to convert down
from QObject (or other used superclasses)?
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