[PyKDE] QListBox selectedItem()

Derek Fountain derekfountain at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 1 10:18:00 BST 2003

On Monday 01 September 2003 16:05, Denis Saussus wrote:
> I believe that this should solve your problem.  Replace:
>    print list.selectedItem()
> with
>    print list.selectedItem(1) (or 0 or whatever item you wish to see if it
> is selected)
> i.e. The problem is that Python cannot guess which item in the listbox you
> mean to query.

The Qt documentation says the method doesn't take a parameter. I'm trying to 
find out which item in the listbox is selected. AFAICS you just call 
selectedItem() and it returns the currently selected QListBoxItem.

I tried what you said and it didn't make any difference. The method doesn't 
seem to be known, regardless of whether I give it a parameter or not.

> eatapple
core dump

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