Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Thu Sep 18 07:17:01 BST 2003

On Wednesday September 17 2003 13:11, Russell Valentine wrote:
> Hash: SHA1

> Ok I tried manualtest.py and this came up during the Locale
> test. Which looks like the same thing my test file did.

> In line 431, k is a KURL.List

> Testing KURL.Operators ...

> == (KURL) *** Fails
> == QString *** Fails
> QString: http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk
> KURL:    <kdecore.KURL instance at 0x81d99f4>

> != KURL OK
> != QString *** Fails

> Testing KURL.List ...

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "manualtest.py", line 109, in doTest
>     test = TestKURLList ()
>   File "manualtest.py", line 431, in __init__
>     print k [i].url ()
> AttributeError: List instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

Ack! I should have realized this earlier. Operator support (which 
includes []) kind of escaped from testing into some of the 3.7 
releases by mistake, but might have problems until 3.8rc1 or 2.
3.8rc2 is available now at 

3.8rc3 is (I hope) less than a week off. I'm shooting for Friday 
but might not make it. It has some additional bug fixes 
(although no KURL changes) and might have the new documentation 
stuff I've been working on.

Either way, I've run your test script on what will shortly be rc3 
and it works fine. It should be the same code in rc2. I'm still 
a little puzzled as to why if you have k[i] in the test script 
it doesn't work (it should), but it may be because of the 
slipshod way in which operator support was put into PyKDE.


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