[PyKDE] Compiing pyKDE-3.11alpha5 on kde3.2.1

Joachim Werner joe at suse.de
Fri Apr 23 15:53:01 BST 2004


> Trying to compile pyKDE-3.11alpha5 I got this error message:
> Generating the C++ source for the kdecore module...
> sip: KPty is undefined
> Error: Unable to create the C++ code.

This should go away if you create a symlink from extra/kde320 to 

Here is how I have got things running on SUSE 9.1 final x86-64:

- add the symlink to kde321
- apply the little patch mentioned here:
- provide the path to the KDE lib directory (on 64bit systems it's
   /opt/kde3/lib64 instead of /opt/kde3/lib)

There was one additional glitch on 64bit: make install used the wrong 
Python path, so I ended up with the PyKDE stuff in 
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages instead of 
/usr/lib64/python2.3/site-packages. I am still investigating where I can 
change that.

I'm going to try to provide unofficial rpm builds on SUSE LINUX as time 
permits, starting from the first non-alpha release of PyKDE.

If anybody has got example code written in PyKDE or (even better) a 
working template that could be integrated into KDevelop I'd be happy to 
get it. Currently we only have a (rather simple) Qt project in KDevelop.



Joachim Werner

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