[PyKDE] Custom sorting function for the QListView widget

Simon Edwards simon at simonzone.com
Sun Jul 4 16:56:01 BST 2004

On Sunday 04 July 2004 14:35, Fernando Jorge Silveira Filho wrote:
> About the C++ extension issue, how do I go about implementing an 
> extension? Is there some sort of tutorial on this? I have to admit that 
> I am still sort a Python newbie. I am willing to try it anyway, since I 
> still think that if I can solve this on Python the final result will 
> look a lot more "elegant" than a full C++ solution.



I'm not aware of a full from start to end tutorial about taking a Qt subclass 
from a python program, rewriting it in C++ and then using the C++ version 
from the python code...


Simon Edwards             | Guarddog Firewall
simon at simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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