[PyKDE] User feedback about Eric3, the comeback

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Fri Jun 25 18:22:00 BST 2004


> >> 1) The Edit | Goto Line... (Ctrl-G) command does not accept more
> >> than two digits anymore, while it accepted at least four in an
> >> earlier snapshot. One can get more than two digits using arrows or
> >> arrow keys, but it takes a while to get to 900 by means of keyboard
> >> autorepeat.
> >>
> >> :^)
> >
> > It accepts entries up to the maximum linenumber, i.e. if you have
> > 899 lines and you enter a number starting with 9 it won't accept a
> > third digit (maximum value is 899). I hope, this explains your
> > observation.
> Yes, it does, and once one knows this, it is workable. Still, I'm not
> sure such inflexibility is needed in a user control. It feels
> unintuitive at first, and remains unnecessarily constraining
> afterwards.
> A more liberal, less disconcerting behaviour would be to accept
> whatever number the user puts in, and clamp it to maxLines after the
> fact.

That is a valid point.

> Please find attached a tested patch to that effect, that also strives
> to retain the useful feature of selecting all digits at dialog
> opening.

I'll include the patch in the next snapshot.

> Next thing would be to find out (tried, but did not succeed) how to
> always put the focus in the first text widget at the opening of both
> the Find and the Replace dialogs... :^)

That's already done in the 3.5 snapshot.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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