[PyKDE] Next newbie issue

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Wed May 26 21:29:01 BST 2004

On Wednesday 26 May 2004 10:23, John Fabiani wrote:
> Hi,
> After installing my windows version I realized that my SUSE 9.0 might be
> missing lots of other stuff.  I checked sourceforge and discovered a RPM
> for SUSE 9.0.  It contains a "PyKDE" rpm and a much of other stuff.
> Checking my software install software from SUSE (YaST) it can't find
> anything like "PyKDE".  So can someone explain what the other stuff is
> like "Sip" ... etc.  Also how to I determine what version of PyQt I'm
> running on the SUSE box.

> Thanks for your help - try to remember all this stuff is new to me - but
> I'm learning fast.

Sip had two parts:

1. A code generator that takes special input files and automatically generates 
C++ files that represent  the Python bindings for PyQt or PyKDE. Bindings let 
you access C++ libs from Python.

2. A run time lib that serves as a bridge between Python, the bindings code 
and the Qt or KDE code.

You use the sip in the first way when you build PyKDE on your machine (if you 
install from rpms, that part has already been done). Even with an rpm 
install, you still need the sip runtime to run programs using PyQt or PyKDE.

PyKDE doesn't presently ship with any distribution, although that's being 
worked on. You need to either find a PyKDE rpm (usually at sourceforge) or 
download the PyKDE tarball from riverbankcomputing.co.uk and compile PyKDE 

To find out what version of PyQt you have installed, run the Python 

jim at jim:~> python
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Apr  6 2004, 01:47:39)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from qt import PYQT_VERSION_STR


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