[PyKDE] Re: PyQt ActiveX support: can't pass some types of parameters

Mike Thompson mike.spam.filter at day8.com.au
Tue Oct 12 08:00:09 BST 2004

Mike Thompson wrote:

> Mike Thompson wrote:
>> I'm trying to manipulate ActiveX objects using pyQt, but I've hit the 
>> following brick wall:

Arrggh.  Still problems ...

I'm now getting no error messages.  Which was very encouraging 
initially, BUT I've had to take a couple of steps back because 
dynamicCall does not work for me. (Don't even start me on "property()")

I MUST be doing something wrong. And it must be horribly obvious, but 
its invisible to me.

I have a small enough example:


import qt
import qtaxcontainer

streamObj = qtaxcontainer.QAxObject("ADODB.Stream")
streamObj.dynamicCall("WriteText(QString&)", qt.QVariant("some text"));
streamObj.dynamicCall( "SaveToFile(QString&)", qt.QVariant("pyQt.out"))


When I run this script, there is no output file 'pyQt.out'.

On the other hand, the following (seemingly identical) win32com based 
code works:

import win32com.client
streamObj = win32com.client.Dispatch("ADODB.Stream")
streamObj.WriteText("some text")


So I wondered if I was using the right method signatures in 
dynamicCall().  To check, I tried the following:

     import qt
     import qtaxcontainer

     streamObj = qtaxcontainer.QAxObject("ADODB.Stream")
     print streamObj.generateDocumentation()

but to my surprise nothing is printed (empty string).

Maybe its because I'm using QAxObject insted of QAxWidget?  I change my 
script to ...

     import qt
     import qtaxcontainer

     streamObj = qtaxcontainer.QAxWidget("ADODB.Stream")
     print streamObj.generateDocumentation()

But that fails with
     "QPaintDevice: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice"

So I change the script to:

     import qt
     import qtaxcontainer
     a = qt.QApplication([])   # this line added
     streamObj = qtaxcontainer.QAxWidget("ADODB.Stream")
     print streamObj.generateDocumentation()

which works!! I have output.

Ahhh.  I notice that methods like Open() have a very different
prototype to that which I used above. I can almost smell
success now.  I change script to:

     import qt
     import qtaxcontainer

     streamObj = qtaxcontainer.QAxObject("ADODB.Stream")
QVariant&,ConnectModeEnum,StreamOpenOptionsEnum,const QString&,const 
     streamObj.dynamicCall("WriteText(const QString&,StreamWriteEnum)", 
qt.QVariant("some text"));
     streamObj.dynamicCall( "SaveToFile(const 
QString&,SaveOptionsEnum)", qt.QVariant("pyQt.out"))

Still doesn't work. No errors again but still no 'pyQt.out' file created.

dynamicCall() must be failing silently somewhere.  I hate that.

Perhaps its because I'm not suppling exactly the right number of 
parameters to the methods. Perhaps the default parameter values are not
being used when I don't supply them.

I try this next ... but I'm out of time right now.

If anyone knows about all this, please feel free to jump in a tell me 
how to get it going.

Other than that, I'm sending this post as a record of progress. Perhaps 
Google will show it up for someone else later and save them the journey.


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