[PyKDE] kapp is missing? PyKDE + i18n tutorials

Gustavo Barbieri barbieri at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 22:47:52 BST 2004


1) kapp is missing from my kdecore, how do I create an action that
sends the signal to the current KApplication? I want to send the

2) There is any PyKDE tutorial up2date? How about one that uses i18n()?

I'm trying to write something like Roberto Alsina's calculator using
pykde, anyone interested?

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Computer Engineer 2001 - UNICAMP
GPSL - Grupo Pro Software Livre
Cell..: +55 (19) 9165 8010
Jabber: gsbarbieri at jabber.org
  ICQ#: 17249123
   GPG: 0xB640E1A2 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net

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