[PyKDE] qApp is a QApplication instance

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 16:04:17 GMT 2005

> Hello,
>>>> from qt import *
>>>> import sys
>>>> class A(QApplication):
> ...     pass
> ...
>>>> a = A(sys.argv)
>>>> qApp
> <__main__.qt.QApplication object at 0x007FECC0>
>>>> a
> <__main__.A object at 0x008035A0>
> Is this expected / wanted? I had expected to be able to access the Python
> instance of the application through the global qApp, not the QApplication.
> In Qt, I can down-cast the qApp pointer to my subclass to access my
> methods,
> how can I do the same in PyQt?

sys.modules['qt'].__dict__['qApp'] = A(sys.argv)

...might do it. You have to make sure that this is done before the other
modules that want to use it get imported.


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