[PyKDE] problem with exceptions within events
Ulrich Berning
ulrich.berning at desys.de
Thu Feb 24 14:53:45 GMT 2005
Toby Dickenson schrieb:
>On Thursday 24 February 2005 00:44, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>>I reckon you have slightly misunderstood my problem.
>I had misunderstood it too.
>>The problem is: when the exception is raised from within the overriden
>>method of an event handler (as opposed to an exception raised from within
>>the constructor of a subclass, or from within a slot called by a signal),
>>the exception is *totally* ignored. There is no acknowledgement
>>whatsoever. Nothing. Nada. I have no way to know that my code did not
>Ive attached a test script based on your original report. I cant reproduce the
>problem here with sip 4.0.1, PyQt 3.1.2, qt 3.3.3
>>I would expect the
>>exception raised by the event handler to call our custom excepthook just
>>like other exceptions raised in different contexts, but it would be fine
>>if it *just* printed something on the console.
I have attached a more practical example, that shows the problem in more
detail. If you use sendEvent(), everything is fine (at least for me) and
the exepthook function is called. This is because the event is
immediately processed. With postEvent(), the event processing is
deferred until control returns to the main loop and the excepthook
function is not called. I think, this has to do with the fact, that the
ownership of the event is taken by the post event queue and the event is
deleted once it has been posted.
In your example you first called sendEvent(), then postEvent() and then
processEvents(). By calling postEvent() followed by processEvents(), you
simulate the behavior of sendEvent(). Uncomment the processEvents() call
in my script and you will get the same result as with sendEvent().
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Imports #
import sys, string, traceback, qt
# Excepthook catching unhandled exceptions #
def my_excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
sys.stderr.write("in my_excepthook()\n")
trb = string.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type,
id =qt.QMessageBox.critical(None,
"Unhandled Exception caught",
if id == qt.QMessageBox.Abort:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting application...\n")
sys.stderr.write("Continuing application... (may give you unexpected behavior)\n")
# Main widget #
class MainWidget(qt.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None, fl=0):
qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, name, fl)
# Create custom event type
self.myEventType = qt.QEvent.Type(qt.QEvent.User)
# Create the widget layout
self.vbox = qt.QVBoxLayout(self, 11, 6)
# A radio button group to select the event method
self.groupMethod = qt.QButtonGroup(1, qt.QGroupBox.Horizontal, "Event Delivery Method", self)
self.methodSend = qt.QRadioButton("&sendEvent()", self.groupMethod)
self.methodPost = qt.QRadioButton("&postEvent()", self.groupMethod)
# A buuton group with a push button
self.groupEvent = qt.QButtonGroup(1, qt.QGroupBox.Horizontal, "Generate Custom Event", self)
self.button = qt.QPushButton("Raises &ZeroDivisonError", self.groupEvent)
self.connect(self.button, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotButton)
# Push button slot
def slotButton(self):
if self.methodPost.isChecked():
qt.qApp.postEvent(self, qt.QCustomEvent(self.myEventType))
# qt.qApp.processEvents()
qt.qApp.sendEvent(self, qt.QCustomEvent(self.myEventType))
# Custom event handler
def customEvent(self, e):
sys.stderr.write("in customEvent()\n")
if e.type() == self.myEventType:
x = 1 / 0
# Main programm #
sys.excepthook = my_excepthook
a = qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
main_widget = MainWidget()
# EOF #
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