[PyKDE] Ivalid cast (PyKDE-snapshot20050316, GCC 4)

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Fri Mar 18 20:31:04 GMT 2005

On Friday 18 March 2005 11:27, Akos Polster wrote:
> I'm getting this error while compiling PyKDE-snapshot20050316 on
> Linux with GCC 4.0:
> sip/kdecore/kurl.sip: In function ‘PyObject*
> slot_KURL_List___add__(PyObject*, PyObject*)’:
> sip/kdecore/kurl.sip:348: error: invalid cast of an rvalue expression of
> type ‘QValueList<KURL>’ to type ‘const KURL::List&’
> The environment is:
>  - Python 2.4.0
>  - sip snapshot-20050317
>  - QT 3.3.4
>  - PyQt snapshot-20050311
>  - KDE 3.4.0
>  - GCC 4.0.0 20050310 (Red Hat 4.0.0-0.33)

Here's the code in question with the failing line indicated:


        KURL::List           operator + (const KURL::List&);
//returns (KURL.List)
//takes listToAdd | (KURL.List)
==>>    sipRes = new KURL::List((const KURL::List&)((*sipCpp) + *a0));

Here's the generated C++ code:


static PyObject *slot_KURL_List___add__(PyObject *sipSelf,PyObject *sipArg)
==>> KURL::List *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<KURL::List *>(sipGetCppPtr(
                   (sipWrapper *)sipSelf,sipClass_KURL_List));

	if (!sipCpp)
		return 0;

	int sipArgsParsed = 0;

		const KURL::List * a0;

		if (sipParseArgs(&sipArgsParsed,sipArg,"J1",sipClass_KURL_List,&a0))
			KURL::List *sipRes = 0;

#line 345 "sip/kdecore/kurl.sip"
//returns (KURL.List)
//takes listToAdd | (KURL.List)
    sipRes = new KURL::List((const KURL::List&)((*sipCpp) + *a0));
#line 19720 "sipkdecorepart0.cpp"

			return sipNewCppToSelf(sipRes,sipClass_KURL_List,SIP_SIMPLE|SIP_PY_OWNED);

	/* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */

	return 0;

note that sipCpp is  of type KURL::List.

Here's the class declaration for KURL::List:


class KURL
  class KDECORE_EXPORT List : public QValueList<KURL>

And from Qt,  the copy constructor being used requires a 'const':

    QValueList ( const QValueList<T> & l )

I don't see where the cast is in error (but then my C++ skills aren't that 

I don't have gcc 4.0 to test against, so I have no way of pursuing this much 
farther. The easiest workaround would be to comment out the code fragment 
shown above from sip/kdecore/kurl.sip (you lose the + operator for 
KURL::List). The cast is there because it won't compile without it on gcc 3.3 
- it can't find a  "non-const" copy ctor to use, which is what sip generates 
without the cast.


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