[PyKDE] (no subject)

huaicai huaicai at nanorex.com
Tue May 24 00:31:41 BST 2005

>It might not strictly be required, but I'd add:

>    %ModuleHeaderCode
>    #include <word.h>
>    %End

>after the %CModule line (although it seems like you'd get compile errors >if it was really necessary - might depend on whether sip generated code >is concatenated for compiling or not).

>You might also try:

>Word *create_word(const char *);
>char *reverse(Word *);
>char *myReverse(const char *);

>removing "struct" in two places (not sure if it's required or makes a 
>difference as far as sip is concerned - I believe it's not necessary >though).

>Also, in Python, try printing w.the_word before calling reverse.

>You could also try making Word a class:

>class Word
>    char *the_word;

>At one time (long ago) I had problems doing structs with sip, but I think 
>that's been fixed for quite a while.

>Otherwise, I don't see any obvious errors in the sip file. I'd also look >at how the module is linked and if the .so file being wrapped can be >found at runtime.


Thank you Jim for the reply. Here is the screen snapshot for what I did: 

Python 2.3.4 (#2, Aug 19 2004, 15:49:40)
[GCC 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux (Alpha 3.4.1-3mdk)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import word
>>> print word.myReverse("sadkfj;sadf")
>>> print word.__dict__
{'create_word': <built-in function create_word>, 'Word': <class 
'word.Word'>, 'reverse': <built-in function reverse>, '__file__': 'word.so', 
'myReverse': <built-in function myReverse>, '__name__': 'word', '__doc__': 
>>> w = word.create_word("How are you?")
>>> print w
<word.Word object at 0x4038fddc>
>>> print word.reverse(w)
Segmentation fault 

So you can see that the "struct Word" was mapped to a Python class, and the 
function "myReverse()" just works fine, which means it does find the .so 
file correctly. 

BTW, I tried what you suggested by removing the key word "struct" and adding 
the %ModuleHeaderCode....", it doesn't have any visuable effect. 


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