[PyKDE] PyQt: Destroyed QWidgets don't emit destroyed()?

Arve Knudsen aknuds-1 at broadpark.no
Wed Oct 12 17:10:15 BST 2005

As I explained in an earlier post I'm having trouble determining when a  
widget has been closed, in the meantime I've looked into the issue  
further. According to the Qt documentation QObjects should emit the  
"destroyed() " signal upon destruction, but it doesn't seem to happen in  
my case. I tried connecting to this signal of a child widget, and the slot  
never gets called. I know that the widget eventually gets destroyed  
however, because trying to access it after the parent has been closed  
(QDialog.exec_loop has finished) results in a RuntimeError :) Have I  
misunderstood something? For the record I'm using PyQt 3.15 and SIP 4.3.1,  
on Linux.


Arve Knudsen

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