[PyKDE] scrollbars in QTextEdit do not work for me

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Feb 28 00:39:02 GMT 2006

On 27.02.06 15:46:31, Tom Brown wrote:
> I have created a QTextEdit to show the output from a serial port. I read one 
> character at a time from the serial port and insert one character at a time 
> into the QTextEdit. The vertical scrollbar does not show up after the widget 
> has filled up and it has scrolled down a number of lines. I can use the page 
> up/down keys to scroll up and down. Why doesn't the vertical scrollbar show 
> up?

Are you using PyQt3 or PyQt4? And also a minimal compilable example is
very helpful when reproducing this.

I can't reproduce this with PyQt4 and a small example that fills the
QTextEdit after showing it...


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