[PyKDE] PyQt4 and Python2.3

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 6 09:07:29 BST 2006


PyQt4 entered Debian/Sid today and I had to try wether my apps also work
under the "system python" now. Unfortunately they don't and I'd just
like a confirmation that this is "intentional". Debian/Sid still uses
python2.3 as standard system python and that one doesn't know decorators
yet, as it seems. So if decorators only work with Python 2.4, this
should be stated in the docs regarding auto-connection and also I think
a note should appear in the README.

If decorators should work with python2.3, I'd like to why this doesn't

andreas at morpheus:~/projects/xpathevaluator>PYTHONPATH=$PWD /usr/bin/python2.3 xpathevaluator/xpathevaluator.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "xpathevaluator/xpathevaluator.py", line 57, in ?
  File "xpathevaluator/xpathevaluator.py", line 35, in run
    from xpathwidget import XPathWidget
  File "/home/andreas/projects/xpathevaluator/xpathevaluator/xpathwidget.py", line 198
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Chicken Little was right.

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