[PyKDE] connecting to connectionStateChanged in QUrlOperator

Daryl Dusheiko daryld at magtech.com.au
Thu Jul 20 02:44:06 BST 2006

I am using the QUrlOperator class and am trying to connect to the
connectionStateChanged signal. When I run the code I get the following

File "DSBUpgradeDialog.py", line 35, in __init__
    self.connect(self.ftp, SIGNAL('connectionStateChanged(int, QString
&)'), self.__ConnectionStateChanged)
RuntimeError: Signal has wrong argument types for slot

My code looks as follows:
self.ftp = QUrlOperator()
self.connect(self.ftp, SIGNAL('connectionStateChanged(int, QString &)'),

I am using using PyQt version 3.3.4 on Linux and 3.3.1 on Windows.

Please could someone help resolve this problem.

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