[PyKDE] building PyQt3 on RHEL 4.0 -- libs in /usr/X11R6/lib64

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Thu Jul 27 16:02:21 BST 2006

On Thursday 27 July 2006 3:38 pm, Glen W. Mabey wrote:
> Hello,
> RedHat Enterprise Linux for x86-64 puts the X libs in /usr/X11R6/lib64/,
> which is creating some issues with respect to building PyQt3.
> In building sip, I have passed LIBDIR, LIBDIR_OPENGL, and LIBDIR_X11 as
> command line arguments, all set to /usr/X11R6/lib64, and the values in
> the _default_macros dictionary in sipconfig.py reflect them.
> I have modified those same variables in specs/linux-g++ and
> specs/linux-g++-64 .
> However, when I run configure.py I can examine the variables and see that
>     In [4]: sipcfg.build_macros()['LIBDIR_X11']
>     Out[4]: '/usr/X11R6/lib'
> How can these values be changed?

configure.py for SIP or for PyQt?

PyQt uses the spec files from your Qt installation - not those that SIP uses.

So, if you mean SIP's configure.py then I don't know what the problem is.

If you mean PyQt's configure.py then it would seem that your Qt installation 
is broken.


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