[PyKDE] KGlobalAccel

Michał Woźniak mikiwoz at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 15 10:12:57 BST 2006

Hi there,

I am trying to get my script to register a global hotkey (or "accel" key, 
should I rather say) under KDE 3.4.3. I am using KGlobalAccel, but without 
any success.
All that I have achieved so far is either:
- freezing the app (and the keyboard, globally!) after I hit the accel key;
- crashing the app when I hit the accel key;
- or some other similar nice behaviour.
(the code provided below)

I must point out, though, that I am quite new to Python, and a total noob to 
programming GUI apps in it.

Any help/pointers appreciated.


The code I use is:
import sys
import time

from kdecore import *
from qt import *
from kdeui import KMainWindow

# the tester
def tester():
	print '=== TESTER === TESTER === TESTER ==='

class MainWin (KMainWindow):
	def __init__ (self, *args):
		apply (KMainWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
		# create the hotkey object
		print 'start'
		shortcut = KShortcut('F11')
		if shortcut == None:
			print 'no, sir!'
			print shortcut.toString()
		accelObject = KGlobalAccel(self)
		accelObject.insert("Tester", "Tester AccelKey", "A tester accel key", 
shortcut, shortcut, tester)

appName = "tester"
app = KApplication (sys.argv, appName)
mainWindow = MainWin (None, "main window")

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