[PyKDE] VendorID installation

Paulino paulino1 at sapo.pt
Wed May 17 22:54:42 BST 2006

Ulrich Berning escreveu:
> Jose Paulino Carvalho Ascencao schrieb:
>> I have a error while installing VendorID:
>> When running 'setup.py install' it says that  "The .NET framework 
>> needs to be installed before building extensions for
>> Python"
>> I first had the same message when running the build command, but then I
>> used the '-c mingw32' option and had no errors.
>> What shall I do?
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>> PyKDE mailing list    PyKDE at mats.imk.fraunhofer.de
>> http://mats.imk.fraunhofer.de/mailman/listinfo/pykde
> I never had MinGW in mind when I created the VendorID package. I 
> thought, if one does commercial application development with Python, 
> Qt and PyQt, the additional costs for a Visual Studio Standard Edition 
> are negligible. If you do open source development with the GPL 
> editions of Qt4 and PyQt4, you do not need the VendorID functionality. 
> But maybe you need it to protect your own extension modules.
> ---
> If you run "python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install", it 
> should build and install the header file in "<sys.prefix>\include" and 
> the module in "<sys.prefix>\Lib\site-packages". The static library 
> libvendorid.a must be copied manually to "<sys.prefix>\libs".
> You can also skip the install step and copy all files manually:
> copy build\lib.win32-2.4\vendorid.pyd C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages
> copy build\clib_lib.win32-2.4\libvendorid.a C:\Python24\libs
> copy lib\vendorid.h C:\Python24\include
> Adjust path and version number accordingly.
> The next problem will be sib.py. It doesn't support MinGW at the 
> moment. I have a modified version with MinGW support available, but 
> haven't had the time to build a new release yet.
> I will try to build a new release of VendorID that contains support 
> for MinGW as soon as possible.
> ---
> Ulli
> _______________________________________________
> PyKDE mailing list    PyKDE at mats.imk.fraunhofer.de
> http://mats.imk.fraunhofer.de/mailman/listinfo/pykde

I thought using VendorID not for commercial purpose but as a way to 
distribute my app so people don't have to install Mingw + Qt + PyQt + 
Python in order to try it! Some will give up if they have to...


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