[PyKDE] Conceptual issue: How to talk to a "running" QtGui.QApplication?

Patrick Stinson patrickkidd.lists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 19:20:13 BST 2006

there are lots of examples on the trolltech site as well.

On 10/11/06, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> On 11.10.06 09:15:34, Johannes Graumann wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > As you may have notices, I'm really new to this and am perpetually confused ... my current confusion orbits around the following question:
> > imagine a class that looks something like this:
> >
> > class App(QtGui.QApplication):
> >     def __init__(self,args):
> >       QtGui.QApplication.__init__(self, args)
> >       self.maindialog = uic.loadUi("App.ui")
> >       self._connectSlots()
> >       self.maindialog.show()
> >       self.exec_()
> >
> > and is being initialized like so:
> >
> > if __name__=="__main__":
> >   App = App(sys.argv)
> >
> > <naive question>So how do you proceed with your program flow?</naive question> As I found out, any code below the initialization is only executeted after you quit the shown gui ... I had expected that one initializes the gui and is than able to 'connect' to it and modify the widgets as the program goes along ...
> Please try to get a book on python and object oriented programming.
> For starters create a Subclass from QMainWindow and your Ui form (this
> should be explained in the PyQt docs) and implement all your slots
> there. Then you probably want more classes to take over specific tasks
> of the application (like document representation, handling redo/undo,
> printing).
> Andreas
> --
> You are sick, twisted and perverted.  I like that in a person.
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Patrick Kidd Stinson

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