[PyKDE] QTable cell color - better way ?

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Mon Sep 4 06:34:28 BST 2006

On Sunday 03 September 2006 01:41, Dave S wrote:
> As a relative newbe to GUI & QT programming I am trying to get various
> background colours for a QTable call. Extensive googling & headscratching
> has come up with re-defining paint() for each color. This seems like a lot
> of code & I wondered if there is a more elegant way ? A kind of
> self.table1.setColor(row, col, color) would be nice - or is this the only
> way :)
> Dave

class SomeKindOFTableItem (QTableItem):
    def __init__ (self, table, value):
	# use default colors unless explicitly set
        self.bgColor = None
        self.fgColor = None

# not all of these are necessary - depends on which you want
    def setColor (self, bgColor, fgColor):
	#  bgColor, fgColor are QColor constants - eg QColor (0xff, 0x11, 0x00), or 	
	# Qt.red
        self.bgColor = bgColor
        self.fgColor = fgColor

    def setBGColor (self, bgColor):
        self.bgColor = bgColor

    def setFGColor (self, fgColor):
        self.fgColor = fgColor

    def paint (self, painter, colorgrp, rect, selected):
         if self.fgColor:
            colorgrp.setColor (QColorGroup.Text, self.fgColor)

        if self.bgColor:
            colorgrp.setColor (QColorGroup.Base, self.bgColor)

        QTableItem.paint (self, painter, colorgrp, rect, selected)

then, for example:

self.table.item (row, col).setColor (Qt.red, Qt.blue)

(of course (row,col) must have a QTableItem set - if you don't know, you need 
to test for that).

I prefer to do it in the table item, because then the table item can respond 
automatically to its value, for example a negative $ amount in red, positive 
in black, or a table item can hold some kind of object that knows its status 
and displays a corresponding color automatically. A table item knows its row 
and column too, so it can respond to those as well. (You can have paint() do 
the color setting automatically instead of providing explicit "set" methods 

In fact, I prefer to make table items fairly smart - they can know if they're 
dollar amounts, integers, strings, telephone numbers, postal codes and all 
sorts of things so they can format and validate themselves.  Then you can 
overload QTable to "know" what table item type belongs in a particular 
column, and have it create the right type automatically - not too much 
harder. .


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