[PyQt] QComboBox insert policy

Tina I tinaweb at bestemselv.com
Thu Apr 19 11:53:08 BST 2007

I have a QComboBox (Qt4) where I want to insert items alphabetically. 
Pyuic4 generated this:

        self.depArea = QtGui.QComboBox(self.centralwidget)

And the code that inserts the items in my program:

    for select in range(len(airports.areasIncluded)):
            self.ui.depArea.insertItem(select , 
airports.areasIncluded[select - 1])

'airports.areasIncluded' is a list of unicode elements. A snippet of it 
(it's very long):

areasIncluded = [u' Spain, Portugal', u' France', u' Greece', u' Italy', 
u' Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania', u' Poland']

The problem is of course that the item is inserted at position 'select' 
and not where it fits in the alphabet. And from the documentation I can 
not find any insert methods that does not require the 'index'. Am I 
missing something?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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