[PyQt] KURLCompletion not working

Adeodato Simó dato at net.com.org.es
Sat Aug 4 14:36:30 BST 2007

Hello again.

I have no idea how much it cost to fix this one, and I guess it's not
that important since I'm beginning to realize PyKDE is not going to cut
it for me. But for documentation purposes, please find attached a sample
python script exercising KURLCompletion which does not work, together
with a C++ translation which does (linking needs -lkio).


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a
single moment: the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all,
who he is.
                -- Jorge Luis Borges
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