[PyQt] Single/Multiple inheritance with Qt Designer

Tiago Maluta maluta_tiago at yahoo.com.br
Tue Dec 18 20:54:40 GMT 2007


I'm with some problems trying to use a form developed in qt designer in
my project. I will describe my steps:

1) I created a Dialog without buttons
2) pyuic4 viewform.ui -o ui_viewform.py
3) edited my main file

import sys
#from qt import *

if I dis comment above line I got RuntimeError: the PyQt4.QtCore and qt
modules both wrap the QObject class

from ui_viewform import *

class QMyForm(Ui_view_widget):

        def __init__(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

        a = QApplication(sys.argv)
        w = QConv()

Basically I followed this tutorial:

Some problems like: In order to use import qt I must change the file
generated by pyuic4. I had to overwrite the import PyQt4 to import qt.

Somebody had a clean an simple code, just a "Hello World" to help me
understanding where's my mistake?

Best regards,
- Tiago Maluta

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