[PyKDE] Threading problem with PyQt4 and Macosx

Michael Guntsche mike at it-loops.com
Wed Feb 21 21:47:22 GMT 2007


I recently started playing around with QThreads and Events/emits in  
pyqt4 (latest version) and I am facing some serious problems (hangs)  
I tried to keep the attached test very small.
I have a textedit field that gets filed by QThreads.
What happens is that if more threads get added while the program is  
running it just locks (happens between 30-50 threads). I have to kill  
-9 it.
This happens faster when removing threads. I had someone test this on  
an ubuntu machine and he did not see the problem but I am still not  
sure if this is a macosx only problem.
I tried events as well and it locks up faster (less threads) with them.
Am I doing something fundamentaly wrong here?

Program versions used:

Python: 2.5 from python.org
QT: 4.2.2 self-compiled
sip: 4.5.2 self-compiled
PyQt: 4.1.1

Kind regards,

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