[PyQt] PyQt: configure.py command line options check

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Wed Jun 27 13:59:29 BST 2007

On 6/27/2007 1:09 PM, Phil Thompson wrote:

>> I suggest adding the following self-checks to configure.py:
>>   * If -g is specified, -v should not be specified and .sip files should
>> not be installed. You can't use them anyway with the consolidated module.
>>   * If qt is built as static libraries, either -g or -k must be
>> specified. Otherwise the resulting PyQt4 modules are going to segfault
>> on you when you start using them.
>> Also, Phil, would you accept a patch that reworks configure.py to use
>> optparse and/or add long name alternatives to options (--foo)? Given
>> that Python 2.3 is now required, it shouldn't be an issue anymore.
> Yes, so long as current arguments remain valid.

Good. I'm posting the new preliminar usage screen to gather some 
feedback about the long names I chose, the revised help messages, and 
the grouping which (IMO) makes options easier to find and read.

usage: python configure.py [opts] [option=value] [option+=value]

   --version             show program's version number and exit
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -k, --static          build modules as static libraries
   -r, --trace           build modules with tracing enabled
   -u, --debug           build modules with debugging symbols
   -w, --verbose         don't suppress compiler output during
   -c, --concatenate     concatenate each module's C++ source files
   -j N, --concatenate-split=N
                         split the concatenated C++ source files into N
                         pieces [default: 1]
   -g, --consolidate     create a single Qt module which links against
                         all the Qt libraries

     -e MODULE, --enable=MODULE
                         enable the specified MODULE [default: all
                         modules will be enabled]
     -t PLUGIN, --plugin=PLUGIN
                         add PLUGIN to the list be linked (if Qt is
                         built as static libraries)
     -q FILE, --qmake=FILE
                         the pathname of qmake [default: None]
     -s DBUS, --dbus=DBUS
                         the directory containing the dbus/dbus-
                         python.h header file [default: supplied by

     -b DIR, --bindir=DIR
                         where pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be
                         installed [default: C:\python24]
     -d DIR, --destdir=DIR
                         where the PyQt4 Python package will be
                         installed [default: C:\python24\Lib\site-
     -p DIR, --plugin-destdir=DIR
                         where the Designer plugin will be installed
                         [default: QTDIR/plugins]
     -v DIR, --sipdir=DIR
                         where the PyQt4 .sip files will be installed
                         [default: C:\python24\sip\PyQt4]

   VendorID support:
     -i, --vendorid      enable checking of signed interpreters using
                         the VendorID package [default: disabled]
     -l DIR, --vendorid-incdir=DIR
                         the directory containing the VendorID header
                         file [default: C:\python24\include]
     -m DIR, --vendorid-libdir=DIR
                         the directory containing the VendorID library
                         [default: C:\python24\libs]

   QScintilla support:
     -a, --qsci-api      install the PyQt API file for QScintilla
                         [default: only if QScintilla installed]
     -n DIR, --qsci-destdir=DIR
                         where the PyQt API file for QScintilla will be
                         installed [default: QTDIR/qsci]

Giovanni Bajo

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