[PyQt] SIP bug with object lifetime

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Fri May 11 16:07:19 BST 2007

Hi Phil,

I've got another bug with object lifetimes:

from qt import *
import weakref

app = QApplication([])

ql = QListView(None)
viewport = ql.viewport()

o = QObject(viewport)
o.xxx = viewport  # bug-trigger!

destroyed = []
def cb(wr):
wr = weakref.ref(o, cb)

del o
del viewport
assert not destroyed, "object destroyed too early #1!"

import gc
assert not destroyed, "object destroyed too early #2!"

del ql
import gc
assert destroyed, "object never destroyed!"
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "pyqtbug19.py", line 25, in ?
     assert not destroyed, "object destroyed too early #2!"
AssertionError: object destroyed too early #2!

This happens with latest PyQt and SIP official releases (3.17.1 and 
4.6). The line that seems to trigger the bug is the one marked with a 
Giovanni Bajo

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