[PyQt] platform in python

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Nov 18 16:54:01 GMT 2007

On 19.11.07 00:34:45, Ben Luo wrote:
> Dear All,
> It may be a big and stupid question. But I want to know if there are some
> one think about it.
> There are a lot of python IDEs like Eric4 and Ulipad. Eric4 is based on qt4,
> and Ulipad is based on wxpython.
> Eclipse is a platform. There are a lot of software based on it. Even the new
> office suit from IBM. But it is based on Java. Is there a platform in python
> like Eclipse?
> When can we select IDE between two IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans, not like
> now we choose from dozen IDEs.

Never? Diversity is good :)


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