[PyQt] QDataWidgetMapper

Sibylle Koczian Sibylle.Koczian at t-online.de
Tue Nov 27 20:47:35 GMT 2007

Am Dienstag, 27. November 2007 20:02:51 schrieb Sibylle Koczian:
> I'm just playing with the QDataWidgetMapper myself, so I looked at your
> project and tried some changes. Changing the model to a QStandardItemModel,
> QSqlQueryModel, QSqlTableModel (with a SQLite memory "database") didn't
> help. But if I take the combobox out, then the QLineEdit shows content.
Wrong. I had added errors of my own. The problem _does_ lie in your model, 
only I can't find it there. 

> In my own project I've got a main window containing a QTableView and a
> QDialog containing only QLineEdit controls using a QDataWidgetMapper. That
> works.
> Could it be that you can't mix controls using a model directly and controls
> using a QDataWidgetMapper in the same window? Looks very strange.
No, it's not that. If you replace your dwm.py with the following, only 
slightly longer class definition, the QLineEdit shows the right content and 
this content follows changes in the QComboBox.

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

from ui_dwm import Ui_Dwm

# from mymodel import MyModel
import mymodel

class Dwm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):

        self.ui = Ui_Dwm()

#       self.model = mymodel.MyModel()
        # new, koc
        self.model = self.makeModel()

        self.dwm = QtGui.QDataWidgetMapper()
        self.dwm.addMapping(self.ui.lineEdit, 1)
        # new, koc
                     self.dwm, QtCore.SLOT("setCurrentIndex(int)"))
    # new, koc
    def makeModel(self):
            model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
            for word in mymodel.words:
                ll = []
            return model

This just replaces your model with a QStandardItemModell filled with the same 
data. Which most probably isn't what you really need. But I really can't see 
what's wrong with your model (some quite trivial corrections excepted, which 
didn't help).        

Dr. Sibylle Koczian

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