[PyQt] Eric3 issue: importing modules with the same name as an Eric module

Sundance sundance at ierne.eu.org
Tue Oct 2 12:08:06 BST 2007

Detlev wrote:

> Actually it is not a minor issue. If possible I would try the import
> hook approach. Would you take this task?

Hi Detlev,

As time allows, yes, with pleasure. No promise about how successful it's 
gonna be, though, seeing as we're talking badass advanced snake 
charming here; we'll see how that goes.

> Btw, your email address gives errors (not deliverable).

I know -- I understand the primary DNS for that domain is kaput. And 
since neither the domain host or the DNS server host respond to my 
queries, I'm essentially screwed for the time being. That's why I read 
this mailing-list through an RSS feed, and why my replies break 
threads, incidentally.

-- S.

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