[PyQt] kapplication not quiting

Andres Riancho andres.riancho at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 12:36:14 GMT 2007


   I'm a pykde/pyqt newbie and I'm having some problems with
kapplication that i'm almost sure you can help me with. I'm using a
rather complex program, that in some place creates a kapplication
object like this:

        kdecore.KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv[], "test", "", "N")
        application = kdecore.KApplication()

   And then, I try to kill the object like this:

        del application

   But when I try to create a new kapplication using the same lines I
specified above, I get this error message:

        Qt debug: QApplication: There should be max one application object

   So, how do I kill/quit/exit/terminate/exterminate a KApplication in
order to be able to create a new instance ? Thanks in advance,

Andres Riancho
Web Application Attack and Audit Framework

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