[PyQt] Access custom Qt widgets from PyQt via SIP?

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Sun Aug 10 14:24:47 BST 2008

In the latest version of Qt (4.4.1),  there is a demo called 
"macmainwindow" that builds a Mac-native window for OS X, wrapping some 
platform-specific widgets:


Specifically, the Mac search field with rounded corners is wrapped as a 
QObject in C++.

Some of the components in this demo, such as the unified toolbar, are 
exposed as API's in Qt and therefore PyQt, but I'm not sure the search 
field is. How can I access this functionality from PyQt using the Qt 
sample code as a basis? Would I need to do this via SIP or does PyQt 
provide hooks for this kind of thing?

Thank you,

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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