[PyQt] PyKDE4 question

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Tue Feb 5 18:14:23 GMT 2008

On Tuesday 05 February 2008 01:41, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Jim Bublitz [Sun, 03 Feb 2008 09:52:40 -0800]:
> Hello Jim.
> > I'm still working on my release (upgrading tools and documentation
> > generation)
> Is this release intended to replace the current code in KDE's SVN? If
> so, is it somewhere public? If it's somewhat useable already, I wouldn't
> mind testing to see if it works fine for me, and/or solves the problems
> I reported with the current code [1 and 2].

Eventually Simon (who maintains the SVN code) and I will probably sync our 

The way this is developed is that I write code to generate PyKDE, so for 
example what I'm finishing up now is some small details about scoping 
arguments (sip requires more explicit scoping than C++) and generating 
%ConvertToSubClassCode (which handles class promotion, somewhat like 
casting). There also needs to be some code to generate documentation.

Those affect all modules, so there really isn't any pre-release or alpha 
version - PyKDE either exists or it doesn't. Once all that's complete, I need 
to find any bugs releated to sip generation, compilation or linking and the 
same generally applies there - it either works or it doesn't (for example, a 
single undefined symbol  - which occurs fairly often on new releases  - will 
prevent a module from loading).

Once that's all done, I'll have a release - probably in a month or a little 
longer. At that point, Simon can look at whether he wants to switch to the 
new code generation tool (which is both faster and more accurate - less 
manual fixup needed), and we can sync versions.

There are some changes from the betas I looked at to the KDE 4.0.0 release in 
terms of KConfig related code, so that may be where that problem lies. Menu 
stuff I'd have to look at - I have done some code with older (pre-release) 
KDE versions and haven't noticed any problems there, but will check it out 
when I have stable/complete code.


>   [1]: KConfig crash:
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2008-January/018232.html
>   [2]: Text now showing up in menus with Oxygen:
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2008-January/018164.html
> Thanks for your work,

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