[PyQt] PyQt4 with cx_Freeze

V. Armando Sole sole at esrf.fr
Wed Feb 20 09:57:27 GMT 2008


At 16:04 19/02/2008 -0500, Darryl Wallace wrote:
>I'm trying to use cx_Freeze (my latest try has been with version 3) to try 
>to freeze a PyQt program into a binary for distribution.  I tried just 
>compiling the Multiple Document Interface (mdi.py) example that comes with 
>PyQt4 as a test.  I was wondering if you could help me out.
>I run:
>python FreezePython.py --install-dir dist --include-modules sip mdi.py/

Did you read the README that comes with cx_freeze?

As far as I know, if you build cx_freeze yourself you have to run:

python MakeFrozenBases.py
python --no-copy-deps FreezePython.py

in order to have it fully installed. You do not use the .py file but the 
generated "frozen".

Then the command:

FreezePython -O --install-dir=dist --include-modules=sip mdi.py

should do what you expect (you may need to add your QtCore4 .so and 
QtGui4.so libraries to the dist directory if they are not copied there).


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