[PyQt] QSqlRelationalModel and setFilter
simozack at yahoo.it
Wed Feb 27 16:56:35 GMT 2008
I'm experimenting problem with QSqlRelationalModel and the setFilter method.
I don't speak (write) English very well, so I made this snippet that
shows the problem.
The database has 3 tables ('tipo_documento', 'tipi' and 'causale'). The
table "tipo_documento" has the foreign key reference to the table 'tipi'
and 'causale' on their id field (many to one relationship with both the
table "tipi" and the table "causale").
from PyQt4.QtSql import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE")
model = QSqlRelationalTableModel()
model.setRelation(2, QSqlRelation("causale", 'id', 'descrizione'))
model.setRelation(3, QSqlRelation("tipi", 'id', 'descrizione'))
model.setFilter(QString('descrizione like "%1"').arg('%'))
print model.rowCount()
The result of the last print is '0'. But if I comment the rows
containing model.setRelation(), the result of this query is 1 as
expected. Note that the filter is in a field that hasn't any external
relations with other table.
The relations, also, are right because in the rest of the program I'm
writing, I have a QTableView that shows correctly the description of the
foreing key.
I'm using Python 2.5.2 (but this happens also with 2.5.1), PyQt4 version
4.3.3 on WinXp SP2.
Thank you very much,
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