[PyQt] Python modules shouldn't link directly to Python framework on OS X

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Fri Nov 21 17:03:36 GMT 2008

On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 23:33:59 -0600, William Kyngesburye
<woklist at kyngchaos.com> wrote:
> Python extensions on OS X are built as bundles, and are expected to be  
> loaded dynamically by Python or another program that is linked to the  
> Python framework.  The extension expects to find all the Python  
> symbols already loaded.
> SIP gets the -bundle flag right, but also links directly to the Python  
> framework.
> The nice benefit of this is that we can compile an extension with one  
> build of Python (say the Leopard system Python 2.5.1), then install a  
> newer (point version) Python and have the extension loadable in the  
> newer Python.  Or distribute the extension where others might have  
> installed a newer version of Python.
> This will take care of not-linking the python framework - in  
> siputils.py, ModuleMakefile().finalise(), change:
> self.LFLAGS.append("-F%s" % string.join(dl, os.sep))
> self.LFLAGS.append("-framework Python")
> to:
> self.LFLAGS.append("-undefined dynamic_lookup")

Thanks - it will be in SIP v4.8.


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