[PyQt] Internationalization and PyQt

Thorsten Kampe thorsten at thorstenkampe.de
Sat Oct 4 19:31:10 BST 2008


I've "upgraded" a PyQt demo application of mine so it includes not only 
a translation of the user interface in German but also in French.

My problem is that it simply works but I think it shouldn't (no don't 
laugh). This is the code in my demo application (called my_application) 
that does the internationalization:

# Internationalization
qtTranslator  = QtCore.QTranslator()

appTranslator = QtCore.QTranslator()

This is the relevant snippet from my_application.qrc:

<qresource lang="de">
<file alias="my_application.qm">translation/my_application_de.qm</file>
<file alias="qt.qm">translation/qt_de.qm</file>
<qresource lang="fr">
<file alias="my_application.qm">translation/my_application_fr.qm</file>
<file alias="qt.qm">translation/qt_fr.qm</file>

Please note that I'm using the same alias ("my_application.qm" and 
"qt.qm") for the German /and/ English tranlation resources.

Mark Summerfield suggests in his excellent book about Rapid GUI 
programming to use this approach:

# Internationalization
locale = QLocale.system().name()
qtTranslator = QTranslator()
if qtTranslator.load("qt_" + locale, ":/"):

appTranslator = QTranslator()
if appTranslator.load("imagechanger_" + locale, ":/"):

So why does my code (that does not query the locale and choose the right 
tranlation file according to the locale) work?


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