[PyQt] PyQt4 and Python 3.0

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Oct 7 21:26:39 BST 2008

On 07.10.08 14:47:00, Daniel Miller wrote:
> Well, yes of course. Sorry for picking a bad example. How about  
> QSplitter, QPushButton, QProgressBar, QPopumMenu, etc. Those are  
> definitely used in many places, and the API for each of them changed. I 
> realize this is not your fault--it was a decision made by Trolltech. 
> However, I feel like they did more to help their users migrate old code 
> bases to Qt4.

They didn't. The qt3to4 tool is a joke when you try to migrate a real-world
large codebase, it barely provides a starting point. Also it forces you
into the Qt3Support classes, code thats barely maintained by TT - they only
fix the worst bugs in those parts.

So, the C++ migrators don't really have more help than the PyQt4 users.

>>>> Note that I wouldn't call the Q3Support classes a compatibility  
>>>> layer.
>>> I agree. In a C++ app it might be possible (even simple?) to do
>>> global find/replace ...
>> You are seriously suggesting that PyQt4 should include a full  
>> emulation of
>> the PyQt3 API???
> Why not? Is it too much to expect a widely used library to have backward 
> compatibility between versions?

Yes, if there's basically just 1 person doing the work and he's expected to
offer an opensource version and a not-that-expensive commercial version.
Seriously, a complete compatibility layer is a _huge_ amount of work. If
Phil would've done that, we might still be waiting for the PyQt4.1 release.


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