[PyQt] Context menu on items in QTreeView

Russell Valentine russ at coldstonelabs.org
Tue Oct 14 21:50:21 BST 2008

Filip GruszczyƄski wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to pop up a menu on items in QTreeView. I decided to
> intercept pressed(const QModelIndex&) signal, because contextMenuEvent
> doesn't provide information about the tree view chosen index. However,
> inside the slot for this signal I cannot acces position of the mouse
> (no event) and decide, where to pop this menu. I tried browsing
> QApplication class, but found no information about the global mouse
> position (though there is global information about buttons pressed).
> Is there anyway to obtain it and popup menu in the right place?

Well there is QtGui.QCursor.pos()

So you can exec_ the menu using that.

You can use the indexAt function that is part of the treeview class and 
give it the cursor position to get the index.

I would connect to signal customContextMenuRequested instead of what 
your doing though.

Something like:

QtCore.SIGNAL("customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)"), self.doMenu)

def doMenu(self, point)

Hope this is helpful.

Russell Valentine

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