[PyQt] QSpinBox with hex format

Mark Summerfield mark at qtrac.eu
Thu Oct 23 08:18:04 BST 2008

On 2008-10-23, Nahuel Defossé wrote:
> Hi
> I'd be glad to receive any hint about how to subclass QSpinBox in order to
> use hex format.
> Thanks
> Nahuel

There's an example of subclassing a QSpinBox for roman numerals in my
PyQt book: http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook.html
You can download the examples, it is chap11/romanspinbox.py

There's an example of subclassing a QSpinBox for hex numbers in my
C++/Qt book (so it is in C++ but easy to translate to PyQt):
Again, you can download the examples, it is in chap05/hexspinbox

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd, www.qtrac.eu
    C++, Python, Qt, PyQt - training and consultancy
        "Programming in Python 3" - ISBN 0137129297

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