[PyQt] Rating widget

Carlos Gonçalves mail at cgoncalves.info
Sun Aug 16 18:45:46 BST 2009


I've ported the rating widget from the Nepomuk KDE project (written in C++) to 
Python and also get rid of the pykde4 dependency, meaning all is in pyqt4 now.

Find this widget in http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/nepomuk/core/ui/

So, after ported it and coded a simple test case, I found out that the widget 
doesn't get displayed (invisible) but it is there though - mouse events are 
triggered properly and emit the 'ratingChanged' signal outputting the current 
rating value. I'm wondering what am I missing or coding wrong...

Sources: www.cgoncalves.info/trash/rating.tar.bz2


Carlos Gonçalves

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