[PyQt] Re: QtNetwork not working after update to PyQt 4.5.4

Brian Zambrano brianz at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 20:42:19 BST 2009

Ok, again, curious issue on my end.

It turns out these requests *were* working, just really really slowly...like
60 seconds for a simple GET.  I'm inside a different network today, so I
turned off my wireless, retried this and the reqeusts to localhost performed
as expected.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Brian Zambrano <brianz at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is a curious issue....I have two Macs, both of which I've upgradef
> from PyQt 4.5.1 to 4.5.4.  Running my application on my MacMini was just
> fine this morning.  Just now, I fired up the exact same code on the MacBook
> Pro for the first time after the PyQt update and the QtNetwork calls seem to
> have just died.
> The behavior that I'm seeing is the QNetworkReply get request isn't firing
> at all.  I'm connecting to localhost, and I can see that no request is being
> made.  The spot this is occuring is here:
>             mgr = QNetworkAccessManager(self.__parent)
>             mgr.connect(mgr, SIGNAL('finished(QNetworkReply*)'),
>                     self.auth_request_finished)
>             qurl = QUrl('http://localhost:8000/authenticate/')
>             qurl.addQueryItem('username', user)
>             qurl.addQueryItem('passwd', passwd)
>             mgr.get(QNetworkRequest(qurl))
> It gets through this code block just fine, but the GET request isn't being
> made.  Any insights or hot spots I can dig in to?
> BZ
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